History based Geopolitics
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Mohammed Shahidullah
Posts : 8
Join date : 2024-06-24
Age : 43
Location : Bangladesh

The Spanish-American War: Roots in US Envision of Great Power Status Empty The Spanish-American War: Roots in US Envision of Great Power Status

Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:17 pm
The article discusses the history of colonization and the desire for imperialism and expansion that has driven many nations throughout history. It focuses specifically on the Spanish colonial rule over Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, and the efforts by the citizens of these territories to resist foreign occupation and secure their independence.

The article then delves into the events leading up to the Spanish-American War in 1898. The struggle for Cuban independence from Spanish rule, fueled by sensationalized reports of "Spanish atrocities" in the American press, stoked public outrage in the United States against Spain's colonial rule. Concurrently, American businessmen and expansionist politicians saw opportunities to expand the country's economic and geopolitical influence in the Caribbean, driven by a growing spirit of American imperialism.

The Spanish-American War: Roots in US Envision of Great Power Status Surren14

The combination of Cuba's independence struggles, media-driven anti-Spanish sentiment, and American ambitions created a volatile situation that ultimately culminated in the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in 1898. This conflict marked a significant turning point in the emergence of the United States as a global power, as it solidified the country's position as a major player on the world stage.

To read the article, please CLICK HERE.
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